Today is the day – Realme is launching India’s first Snapdragon 7+ Gen 3. That phone is the Realme GT 6T and other than the chipset, this launch is notable because the powerful GT series had been conspicuously absent from India for two years.

The event (and the livestream below) start at 12 noon local time. We will have a detailed report on the GT 6T launch, but we’ve already had a preview.

The phone will be powered by the 7+ Gen 3, a recent release with the powerful Cortex-X4 prime core and a huge boost to GPU performance (and a small decrease in power usage). The chipset promises to top 1.5 million points on AnTuTu and it will be kept cool by a dual vapor chamber (10,014mm² in total area).

Realme GT 6T: SD 7+ Gen 3
Realme GT 6T: large dual vapor chamber

Realme GT 6T: SD 7+ Gen 3 • large dual vapor chamber

Other details are the super bright display – with a blinding peak brightness of 6,000 nits – and a 5,500mAh battery with super fast 120W charging (50% in 10 minutes and that should be enough to last you the whole day). The screen is protected by Gorilla Glass Victus 2.

Realme GT 6T: 6,000 nits brightness
Realme GT 6T: 5,500mAh battery with 120W charging

Realme GT 6T: 6,000 nits brightness • 5,500mAh battery with 120W charging

Have a look at the Realme GT Neo6 SE, which launched in China in April. It’s another 7+ Gen 3 powered phone and it should have a lot in common with the GT 6T.

Amazon already has a landing page for the Realme GT 6T here and has its own page here.

Thisanthan Bohar

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