Amazon is finally bringing its MMO New World to consoles this October, and that’s coming as part of a larger rework of the fantasy game called New World: Aeternum.

When New World hits consoles on October 15, it will also add crossplay, so you can group up with your friends on different platforms. That said, it won’t feature cross-progression, as the characters you make will be locked to whatever platform you made them on. The controls and UI have also been reworked to function better with a controller, and Amazon Games expects New World to keep update parity across all three platforms starting this October.

The slight rebranding of New World: Aeternum also signals some larger content changes coming to the game this October. In addition to the features I already mentioned, Aeternum will revamp the initial game experience, adding more cutscenes, a more in-depth dialogue system, and won’t require players to group up with other players if they don’t want to. Amazon Games will also raise the max gear score number and add a larger PvP zone, swimming, endgame solo trials, and a new 10-player raid.

New World: Aeternum will be released for PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X/S on October 15. It will cost $60 and give players access to the whole base game and Rise of the Angry Earth expansion from the get-go. Console preorders or PC logins between today and October 14 will net players an Azoth Stalker Wolf mount. There’s also an $80 deluxe edition that will give players a unique Bear mount and armor skin.

Thisanthan Bohar

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